Robin Heiskell Robin Heiskell

Not Just Any List

The first few verses of Matthew chapter one is so much more than a list of ancient names. Discover why.

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Robin Heiskell Robin Heiskell

Me vs. Dismay

I came across this verse the other day found in Isaiah 41:10…

“Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.”


I came across this verse the other day found in Isaiah 41:10…

“Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.”

There are lots of scriptures that talk about fear but this one stood out to me because not only does it tell us not to fear but also not to be dismayed.  Is there a difference and, if so, what’s the difference?

Being a bit of a word nerd, I looked it up.  To be dismayed is “to have a sudden or complete loss of courage, utter disheartenment, sudden disillusionment, agitation of mind.”

Yes, there is a difference. There are times I’ve dealt with fear. And I have definitely experienced dismay.  Those times of deep disappointment because something important to me did not turn out like I thought it should.  I been under the cloud of disheartenment and disillusionment in those times when I have been blindsided by a sudden turn of circumstance or unforeseen crisis.  And agitation of mind…yup. That negative self-talk that just won’t shut up. Or the stress and worry that lurks in the shadows of my mind and seems to surface when I least expect it.

But according to this Scripture I can choose not to be dismayed.  How?  By remembering that He says, “…for I am your God…”

Is it really as simple as a choice? It is when I realize I’m not choosing to not be dismayed, I’m choosing to trust God. The same God who has never, ever, ever failed to fulfill a promise in all eternity.

He promises to give us strength and to help us.  But then God goes even further.  He promises to “uphold” us.  He will keep us from drowning in the sea of disappointment and disillusionment.  He will keep us moving forward. He will walk with us through difficult circumstances.  He will give us peace of mind even when everything seems out of control. Because He’s God. He promised it. He will do it.

So, no matter what, when we belong to God, we do not have to fear nor do we have the be dismayed.

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