Flip the switch!

In Psalms 22, David pours out his heart to God at the beginning, he is in pain, confused of why evil seems to be winning and why God hasn’t answered him.

It looks as if he was done for. His enemies have seem to have won. Then his prayer goes from confusion to praise as if he flipped a switch. In the middle of his confusion and pain he breaks out in praise!

“Save Me from the lion’s mouth And from the horns of the wild oxen! You have answered Me. I will declare Your name to My brethren; In the midst of the assembly I will praise You.” Psalms 22:21-22 (NKJV)

David flips the switch in front of all his enemies and in front of searching people. It seems the moment David makes the decision that he is going to praise and worship God during his confusion and pain, his spirit and faith is lifted and strength returns. He then can push through and set a great example for the onlookers.

 As I thought about this, we all have that decision to make, sometimes several times a day. We must flip the switch from worry to worship, from fear to faith. As we do, not only does our strength return but those that are watching are receiving hope from us. Roman’s 12:1,2 has become so real to me, to present your bodies as a living act of worship, an offering to God daily. As we do we find the will of God. So when your confused, don’t stay there. Flip the switch and worship your way out. Just a thought!


Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are!


The Power Of Broken