The Power Of Broken

Never underestimate the power of broken people. In the Bible the story of David is fascinating. He was the anointed king, yet Saul who was the reigning king who had messed up by disobeying God was jealous and threatened. He wanted David dead and put a threat out on his life.

David is running from Saul he’s hiding out in a cave when four hundred men joined him. They were frustrated and had suffered much loss under the leadership of Saul. They recognize the strength of David’s leadership and God’s favor on him and risked their lives to find him.

“And everyone who was in distress, everyone who was in debt, and everyone who was discontented gathered to him. So, he became captain over them. And there were about four hundred men with him.” I Samuel 22:2

All Israel recognize David’s leadership but these four hundred had the courage to walk away from Saul and find David. They became the “mighty men of valor” the super warriors we read about later.

People are looking for strong leadership and will risk everything to find them. This also reminds me of the times early in ministry when I complained about the people God brought into my life; broken, indebted, discontented. I would often find myself thinking how can I help them? Instead of just allowing God to love them through me. I’ve learned that God brought people into my life to bring out the best in them and to help me to become a better leader. Seeing people for what they’ll can become and helping the get there is life changing for everyone.

My challenge now to others is that whoever God brings into your life, build them. God can change anyone, and we are empowered to guide them to Him. Great leadership makes everyone around them better! Also, David was going through stuff himself at the time. So never underestimate how God uses your brokenness, and in the process heals you. You are influencing people more than you think.

Pastor Eugene


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