A Brick and A Sword

“…with one hand they worked at construction, and with the other held a weapon.” (Nehemiah 4:15-18)

In any comeback story there always a battle. Nehemiah is a man in the Bible who felt the nudge from God to rebuild a wall around Jerusalem that had been destroyed by the enemy.

Without the wall the city was unprotected and vulnerable. They could not flourish in life. However, he had great opposition. He fought through to rescue a city that was deemed Holy.

I love the concept that they had a brick in one hand and a sword in the other.

The BRICK: represents a focus on the task at hand.
The SWORD: represents identifying and fighting against the evil opposition.

Satan is always looking to discourage and take us out. If he cannot stop us he tries to compromise who we are and the task at hand. We must not cave into fear nor be manipulated but stand strong.

 God is with you, keep pushing forward at the task at hand. God wants a comeback, He wants your gifts, talents, abilities, and experiences. It is not too late.

Stand Strong



Barefoot Before God


Missing The Point