Barefoot Before God

There was a warrior in the Bible, Joshua who was a leader guiding God’s people into a land that God had given them to live.  Just before Joshua lead his people into battle, he had a supernatural encounter with the Angel of God who assured him that God was fighting for him and not to be afraid.

Then the Commander of the LORD’s army said to Joshua, “Take your sandal off your foot, for the place where you stand is holy.” And Joshua did so.” (Joshua 5:13-15)

The Bible mentions “holy ground” only twice. Once with Moses the second is here. In both cases, the “holy ground” was extremely difficult circumstances. In times like these, know God is with you.

God is always with His children no matter where they are in life. But when we are unafraid to take on challenges beyond our ability, but we know it is what He wants. He shows up in unusual ways. If your feeling overwhelmed today, know that God is with you, it is “holy ground”. Draw strength knowing God is with you with spiritual forces that cannot be stopped.

Live Strong





A Brick and A Sword