Above The Noise

Living above the issues of this life; that’s what Jesus taught us. His passion was to do the will of His Father and prioritizing and communicating with God was priority.

“Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed.” Mark 1:35

When I read how Jesus lived when He walked the earth, I’m drawn to the fact that he lived above the noise. Accusations and confronting evil were all in a day’s work. Healing, delivering, and raising the dead was just what He did out of love. But His ultimate goal was to cut Satan off at the root. Only through the cross would that happen. So He lived above the noise and stayed focus on the cause for which He came. But only through time spent with the Father was he was able to rise above the noise. If I could learn to live that way! I should not be surprised at the miracles God does through me, nor will what people think affect me; if my life is lived only to please God. May we prioritize prayer and walk with purpose each day of our lives. We too have a divine purpose, that should always be our focus.

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