Breakthrough Intimidation

Israel stood in fear and intimidation on the wrong side of the Jordan staring at their land of promise. Joshua and Caleb, after the ten weak spies discouraged people from going forward, gave a powerful speech of faith.

“If the Lord delights in us, then He will bring us into this land and give it to us, ‘a land which flows with milk and honey.’ Only do not rebel against the Lord, nor fear the people of the land, for they are our bread; their protection has departed from them, and the Lord is with us. Do not fear them.””
Numbers 14:8-9

Everyone except Joshua and Caleb, those over the age of twenty would die in the wilderness, just short of where God wanted them. This stirs my heart every time I read it. Though we are not Israel, we are God’s people, and He has an incredible place for us. But far too often, like Israel, we stop short of that place of promise because we too fall to fear and intimidation. We somehow fine comfort in the wilderness.

God delights in people who aggressively move in faith. There are confusing things that come our way, things we don’t understand, but these are there to help us grow in faith not to stop us. When I get a bit intimidated and overwhelmed, I too stop short of possibilities. But when I remember that God delights in aggressive faith and charge ahead unafraid to fail, God takes care of my enemies and mess ups. May we live our lives with the attitude of Joshua and Caleb; unafraid, unintimidated and a courageous faith. As our hearts are focused on loving God we cannot fail. God delights in you!

Stand Strong!



Breaking Point

