Flawless Worship

I opened my Bible to read today and the first verse of the day stopped me in my tracks. Moses is reviewing worship principles to Israel; what was acceptable to God and what was not.

“Do not sacrifice to the Lord your God an ox or a sheep that has any defect or flaw in it, for that would be detestable to him.” Deuteronomy 17:1

This is about our attitude and love for God, it’s not a ridged rule. God doesn’t want our worship and love for Him to be a chore, an inconvenience or obligation. He wants it to be a delight a way of life that stems from a deep-rooted love. This affects everyone around us and our future. My mind then raced to Romans 12:1

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.”

That scripture goes on to say we are not to conform but renew our minds and we will find Gods perfect plan. I think like everyone, I want to love God with every part of my being, but I fail to associate loving God with my daily chores and actions sometimes. Paul in this Roman’s passage says to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice, or pay attention to what we are giving God. Though my body maybe physically fit, what about my mind, heart, and attitude? All of which is part of our daily worship and love for God. I’m convicted today that I often lose perspective of my daily worship and give God halfhearted worship with flaws or worship that isn’t thought through. Each night I must think and prepare how I’m going to love God tomorrow. It only takes a minute to adjust my thinking of why I do what I do and what I’m offering to God.

As we pay attention to our daily worship it becomes a natural way of living, it gets easier to do the right things and strengthens us for any blindsided attack. Yes, often we grow weary and tired, but God carries us through those times and understands because He knows our hearts. If we want to stay near to God, we must pay attention to our daily offerings and do all, not for man’s praise but God’s glory (Col. 3:17). This changes everything!

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Breaking Point