Give God The Uncontrollable

In the Gospel’s Jesus repeatedly says that if we ask and believe that God will take care of things. But there were a couple of scriptures from two different chapters that connected dots for me.

“And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.” Matthew‬ ‭21:22‬

“God is not the God of the dead, but of the living. “Matthew‬ ‭22:32‬ ‭

When Jesus walked on this earth as a man, people were constantly trying to trip Him up, like asking Him about marriages in heaven, which is the context of the last verse. His response always refocused them. As I read these two verses something connected for me. How often do we get distracted with things that we have no control over? We like to know because that gives us a since of control. This sucks the life out of us. It stops us from fully trusting God and making the most out of each day.

Enjoying life, no matter what your facing, comes from praying and believing. I get stopped in my tracks and stop enjoying what’s before me today by concerning myself with something I have no control over. God doesn’t show us things to bring worry and try to fix; He shows us things so we can pray and learn to trust Him.

So when you are getting overwhelmed and concerned, pray, have faith, and continue to enjoy life where you are. God loves it when we trust Him, and He will take care of the matter. Sounds simple I know but something we all need to be reminded of. Let God take care of the uncontrollable and enjoy life today. When it comes time to speak up and act the way will be prepared because in prayer you’ve laid the foundation in faith. Don’t worry be focused.

Live Strong!


Missing The Point

